From: Deanna Maio
Subject: Your Business Success
Dear Coach:
Are you unsure about how to best market your business?
Do you struggle to attract good clients? (The kind who pay you well and really value what you offer.)
Are you beginning to doubt whether r you can earn a good living as a coach?
You’re not alone.
End Marketing Overwhelm Forever can help.
At End Marketing Overwhelm Forever you learn step-by-step, exactly what you need to do to attract great clients and build a successful business.
You see, a lot of coaches struggle to get clients. Perhaps you can relate to this.
I bet that you are a gifted coach. That you have the skills, knowledge and experience necessary to profoundly impact the lives or businesses of your clients.
The thing is, your success has surprisingly little to do with how good of a coach you are. Instead, your success depends on your ability to sell and market your services.
The good news is, you can learn exactly what to do to build a successful business and how to do it.
Now, I do want to be clear with you—I am not a miracle worker, guru or magician. You have to do the work!
When you follow the proven, step-by-step End Marketing Overwhelm Forever system, you will attract more clients. You will help more people. You can create the business you have always wanted and earn a great living doing what you love.
End Marketing Overwhelm Forever is a complete step-by-step home study training program.
The End Marketing Overwhelm Forever system is taught in 3 parts: the Foundation Course, the Sales Course and the Marketing Course. You learn everything you need to know to build a successful business.
The program features comprehensive written workbooks and weekly assignments that walk you through the proven End Marketing Overwhelm Forever system – guiding you every step of the way.
You determine the pace. And I even provide guidelines on how much time to spend growing your business each week, based on your schedule and objectives.
Here are just some of the things you will do when you learn and implement the End Marketing Overwhelm Forever system:
The material and information available at End Marketing Overwhelm Forever is literally worth thousands and thousands dollars.
Yet the investment for a lifetime membership is only $2,997 and we even have easy installment options.
I want to make an impact on the profession. I want to help lots and lots of people help lots and lots of people. I am tired of seeing talented coaches leave the profession because the y can’t make a living as a coach.
This system is the solution. I want every service provider in the world to implement it. People need you. It’s your time.
I know, because the End Marketing Overwhelm Forever system has worked for thousands of other r coaches just like you.
We have literally received hundreds of testimonials from coaches who tell us how End Marketing Overwhelm Forever has improved their business and life.
End Marketing Overwhelm Forever makes it easy for you to learn what you need to know and the n implement it.
Many programs present dozens and dozens of different ideas and strategies. Instead of getting clients, you get overwhelmed.
The End Marketing Overwhelm Forever system is different. End Marketing Overwhelm Forever is a simple, straightforward, step-by-step process that provides the information and tools you need to get into action and get results.
The End Marketing Overwhelm Forever system has 3 main components: the Foundation Course, the Sales Course and the Marketing Course. Here are the topics in each course…
Decide and Believe
Decide to be successful. Strengthen n your commitment. Build your belief.
Clarify your business vision. Write your Future Letter. See yourself living the life and having the business of your dreams.
Identify Your “What”
Understand the benefits of specializing. Determine your niche.
Identify Your “Who”
Envision your ideal client. Identify your target market. Speak confidently about your services.
Determine Your “How”
Explain how your services work. Create your own program.
Pricing and Packaging
Price and package your services to attract more clients and increase profitability.
Marketing Language
Create your comprehensive compelling message, the foundation for your marketing materials.
Business Start Up Checklist
Gain insight on the operational, technological, financial and legal areas involved with running a business.
Set Your Sales Goals
Set 90 day goals to gain more clients. Understand the 4 key elements of an effective client enrollment consultation.
Learn the Proven End Marketing Overwhelm Forever Client Enrollment Formula
Discover step-by-step exactly how to conduct an effective client enrollment consultation that makes it easy to sign up new clients.
Handle Sales Objections
Learn step-by-step how to use coaching to handle any sales objection.
Fast-Acting Client Attraction Generation Strategies
Discover 3 “Fast-Acting” client attraction strategies. Begin implementing at least one.
12 Ways to Find Potential Clients
Discover more than a dozen ways to attract potential clients who are interested in your services.
Track Your Results and Improve Your Conversion Ratio
Track and measure your conversion ratio. Fine-tune your actions. Improve your results.
Promotions and Special Offers
Learn how to use special offers and promotions to attract more clients. Discover ways to leverage the holidays.
The Marketing Train
Create your long term marketing system.
Grassroots Marketing
Leverage your existing network.
Effective Networking
Learn the secrets of effective networking.
Generate More Referrals
Learn how to generate more referrals.
Get Clients from Speaking
Learn how to get clients from speaking.
Develop Strategic Alliances
Learn how to form powerful Strategic Alliances.
Create Your Website
Learn how to develop a website that is perfect for you.
Leverage Social Media
Learn how to utilize social media to attract clients and partners.
Ezines and Newsletters
Learn how to use an ezine or newsletter to grow your business.
No need to reinvent the wheel. We make it easy for you to take action. The Marketing Toolkit includes sample marketing materials, sales letters, business forms and more that you can download, customize and use.
Foundation Materials
Coach “Who, What and How” Info Sheet
Coach Info/Marketing Language – Sample 1
Coach Info/Marketing Language – Sample 2
Sales Materials
Complimentary Consultation (CCC) Homework Questions
CCC Confirmation Email – Business Services
CCC Confirmation Email – Career Services
CCC Confirmation Email – Life Services
CCC Tracking Spreadsheet
Sample language for offering a CCC on your website
Sample Gift Certificate Offer
Speaking Inquiry Letter
Speaking Feedback Form with CCC Offer
Speaking CCC Sign Up Sheet
Grassroots Marketing
Grassroots Marketing Letter Sample
Referrals – Client Accomplishment Sheet Sample
Referrals – Client Wrap-Up Document Sample
Referrals – Letter of Introduction Sample
Strategic Alliances
Strategic Alliances Sample Agreement Letter
Strategic Alliances Inquiry Letter – Sample 1
Strategic Alliances Inquiry Letter – Sample 2
Welcome Package
Sample Welcome Letter
Sample Client Agreement
Sample Client Questionnaire
Sample Credit Card Authorization Form
Sample Prep Form 1
Sample Prep Form 2
The next step is up to you.
We can help you. But you’ve got to make the decision.
If you are ready to grow your business, so you can coach and impact more people and enjoy the financial success you desire, join End Marketing Overwhelm Forever today.
Get the training, tools, support and guidance you need build a thriving, rewarding and profitable business.
We’ve helped thousands of other coaches. Now it’s your turn!
I understand that my End Marketing Overwhelm Forever enrollment comes with a 100% Money Back Satisfaction Guarantee. I can go through the entire program and if I am not completely satisfied, I can let you know within 30 days from my date of purchase and receive a full refund. My investment is risk free.
You can rest assured that this online transaction is completely secure. After your information is received you will get an electronic receipt and confirmation within a matter of minutes.
Remember, I stand 100% behind the information I’m offering to you. If you decide that this program isn’t exactly what you need to attract great clients and build a thriving, rewarding and profitable business, just let us know within 30 days from your date of purchase and we will issue you a full refund.
Here’s to Your Success!
Deanna Maio
If your business does not look the way you want it to, End Marketing Overwhelm Forever can help.
Remember, we offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee. You’ve got no risk and have a full 30 days to make sure this is right for you.
Still on the fence?
Ask me any questions you have and I’ll personally reply. I want you to make the decision that is right for you.
Legal Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent our training and its potential. The testimonials and examples used are not intended to guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. The se results are not an average. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation.