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7 Steps to Build a Results-Driven, Accountable and Responsive Team
April 21, 2015 @ 9am Pacific / 12pm Eastern

7 Steps Seminar April 21 2015 ipad

1. Make sure you add this LIVE training to your calendar right now!

I’m giving away a juicy complimentary bonus to everyone attending live. So I recommend you put this on your calendar now to make sure you don’t get sweeped up into the busy and forget to join us.

Date: April 21, 2015
Time: 9am Pacific / 12pm Eastern
Find your exact time here!
To Watch the Webcast  (and listen by Web):

To Listen by Phone:
Phone Number: (425) 440-5100
Pin Code: 247060#
Backup # 323-476-3672


To Listen by Skype:

Connect w/Skype Instructions & Video Tutorial:
and use code #247060

During this content-rich training you’ll learn:
  • 3 things to make sure you include in your next position posting to ATTRACT the very best talent
  • #1 secret for making sure your candidates CAN ACTUALLY DO THE JOB instead of just TELLING YOU they can do it.
  • The biggest reason why you’re not getting the EXACT results you want from your team and how to fix it
  • Exactly WHAT TO SAY to your new hire so you NEVER WONDER when the task or project will be finished or if they even got your email to begin with
  • 7 mistakes businesses make that create WEAK TEAMS THEY HAVE TO BABY SIT or hound to get what they need from them
  • And MUCH More…

2. Share With Your Friends via Social Media & Email
(the more the merrier right?)

Click here to share on social media or copy and paste the below into an email to your colleagues and friends:

Please share the love, and this valuable resource, by letting your friends know about it today.

Just forward the email below or use as a social post on Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter – it will only take 60 seconds and could truly help your friends grow wildly successful businesses.

Please forward the text below:

Subject: Thought you’d love this – 7 Steps to Build a Results-Driven, Accountable, and Responsive Team

Hi there,

I just found this great training that I thought would be awesome for your business.

Right now, you can register for “7 Steps to Build a Results-Driven, Accountable and Responsive Team” hosted by Deanna Maio from for fr*ee.

This complimentary training teaches you the 7 steps you can use immediately to build a results-drive, accountable and responsive team…so you can get more accomplished in your business without YOU having to do it all yourself OR spending hours managing your team to get great results for you!

Register for the training here:

Let me know what you think!



I look forward to seeing you there and sharing these strategies with you!

Talk to you soon!


Deanna Maio
Delegation & Team Strategist

ps: If you need help or have questions at any time,  please contact our support team at